Monday, April 30, 2012


What a great weekend. I got to see my best friend and her precious little girl. She is such an amazing mom I can only hope to be that great of a mom. Her and I have been friends for 20 years and its amazing how you can not talk with someone for a month or so and when you see them its like there was never that time between you. You just pick up were you left off. Now that's what I call my sister.

Jer and I went to Bailey on Sunday we were able to find some new trails and do a little fishing. It was just us for a little R&R away from the brat's (our dogs). The run off was in high gear. Toward the bottom of the river the water was so clear and the water so freaking cold. I LOVED IT! No fish though. As we pulled off into a camp site someone just left there bags of trash there. It unnerved me a little that someone can't respect the outdoors enough to pick there shit let alone there damn tampon COME ON PEOPLE! As we drove back all I could see was trash on the side of the Highway. Park County is a beautiful place I don't ever remember it being so littered full of trash. I don't know if its because more people are heading up there because its not that far from Denver. At any rate please always respect what beauty we have been given and pick up your trash.-Hello not to hard

Friday, April 27, 2012

As we continue our infertility journey I thought this maybe an opportunity to share our experiences. Jer and I have been trying for 4 year now for a baby. I am so lucky I have an amazing husband and we have 5 big dogs Demon, Angel, Santos, Betty, and Tuwa. They our four legged children for the past 3 years. Jer and I were accepted into the Amigos Study at the University of Colorado.  Next week I will start the process of my first IUI. Hopefully our journey will help someone out there.