Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Period time

Oh that damn period. I can feel it coming. I thought for sure this was my moth for a BFP. Nope I can feel the evil monster coming. Good thing is that I am nicer than I have been in months. Seems right before the Witch is coming I just loose my mind. I am bummed and kind of freaking out that I am getting older and how hard it has been to even get prego let alone how to stay prego. I am made an apt with a RE for March 8th. I think its time to get the ball rolling on this baby thing. Lord please let me be a great mom and teach our child the ways of you. I know I am not perfect but neither is teen mom. I am much nicer and older and i have a good husband and most important a relationship with you. She may too I am not knocking them girls. My eggs are just getting older and I don't want to be an old mom like my mom. Her and my brother are 45 years apart. Me and him are 27 years apart. I can be childless but by damn it I am going to travel and get me a supped up caddy like this one. Hopefully I can have both even it has cheerios and formula in the back. I will have leather seats. Jer will take one of these. How ugly huh?

Friday, February 1, 2013


All I can say it Thank goodness its FRIDAY. What a long week. As I keep my mind off of are you are not pregnant. Work was exceptionally hard this week. I had to show my kind of authoritative side and I had an end-user that was so pushy. Anyway she was able to get me to use my angry energy. I NEVER do that. I am usually whatever.........Uggh the pushy ness of I WANT a new computer mine is so slow. When I get her computer back its Fine. Ok deep breath sigh...............Wasted energy gone. Life of working with technology. My dad wrote he has got himself into some trouble so I am going to see him Monday in court. 52 and side a dillship. I love him though he tries and is when isnt being a dillship is an amazing dad. I miss him so much and going through what we are with Jer's stuff I could really use his support. Nope he has a dillship moment. Please pray for this month we have a lot going with stuff for Jer and my dad. I pray we can move past what happen last year and let relationships be mended and everyone can move forward with life.  Pray my dad can get help with his addiction and to finally stay clean and out of trouble. That he would forgive himself and know that God's sovereignty has already forgiven him. He can get his anxiety under control  My gramps isnt doing to well either the dementia is taking it toll on him. My uncle John's drinking is out of control too and his health is not going to get better with that beer and them fireball shots he loves so much. I swear I am just going to keep beating him up when he is drunk. He has liquid courage when he fights and the next day he calls me and says hita we cant fight no more. You broke my finger or hita I have bruises all over. I am so sore. I call him yellow or sick boy for what is doing to his liver. He says I am direct and mean. I just say call it as it is. Why lie? I tell my dad the same thing. Funny thing is my uncles good friend is a cross dresser and my uncle and ex-con. Were can find that in the same room. Its awesome. Anyway I am over this week and ready to play with my hairy brats. Who  by the way after cleaning for hours last week decided to get past the dog gate and trample mud everywhere. So I am cleaning again. Oh well I dont mind it Jer is awesome and helps me. I am so lucky to have my hubby he is a great husband. I find myself more falling more in love with him as time passes. We went through the worst year outside of my gram dying and made it through. In the darkest moments you find who you can count on. Here is a pic of my harry babies and my little niece.