Friday, May 24, 2013

Fun times

I know I have been super bad about keeping my blog updated. Sorry my friends. This particular post isn't about baby stuff but more for my family. A month or so ago my uncle/auntie and me and Jer went up passed George Town looking for haunted places. We didn't find much but we went four wheeling in my husband's "Mini Me" Cindy and I were in the back and we had to look ahead at what we where going down, so we made some funny pics. Here are some of our funny pics!

I love my Auntie Cindy she is one of my best friends!

Now I know my husband well enough to know that he wont kill us but he will try to torment us. I tried to grab a pic of the hill we went down but that didn't happen. There is NO ONE I trust more than my Jer bear when it comes to four wheeling but I think he even freaks himself out. He has a little monster truck that he loves very much........It is his toy and he is a mechanic so you know it gets taken care of.

Anyway here is a my Crazy Angel baby. She love to clean just like her mama. We had a Auntie/Niece day. She got a Monster High Doll and some Lalapolusa game. I had to come home and clean and well she is free for labor.

Some how that pic came out side ways whatever...............He loves to do Auntie's hair.
Here is our newest project our boat getting it ready to hit the water. Jer is painting it the same color as his truck so they match...................

Last but not least my other niece and her being funny.
I leave you with her..........Have a good Memorial weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Your nieces are so cute!! My niece and nephew are also my favorites. Glad to see an update : )
