Monday, April 18, 2016

IVF Update

Update: IVF

I will start off by saying I have the best doctors and team of nurses. I am so truly grateful to have had this opportunity. IVF is not for the faint of heart. For them women who do multiple cycles my hats off to you. I can say at this point I really don't know if I could do another round.

I started my journey in March. February cycle got cancelled due to cysts. March's cycle almost did too but luckily the cysts went away. The birth control is probably the worst part. The emotional up's and downs. Everyday you feels so different. I can say my confidence level went to a complete ZERO.We had our 1st apt with the doctor in November so I was really anxious to get started. The Lupron gave me migraines. I did very well with the Menopur and Gonal-F. I felt so much better when I went off the pill. The shots didn't hurt much. My belly swelled but not bad. Just felt like I ate a huge burrito. 

We had a bad blizzard here. My retrieval was set for Sunday the blizzard happened on Thursday. I had to travel to Colorado Springs which is about and hour and half from Denver. I couldn't of course make it on Thursday with all the snow. So Friday my eggs were cooking good and I had to make it in. On the way to Springs I made it 3/4 of the way to Monument and my transmission went out on my Durango. Some guy rolled  his window down and said your leaking fluid. I pulled over and sure enough. To save you from a long drawn out drama. Jer and his brother towed the truck back to Denver and I took an Uber ride to my apt. My apt was 9am I got there at 4pm. Jers grandma came with me and his auntie picked me up. It all worked out but if everything could go wrong it did. The roads were just horrible, I was soaked, cold, and my ovaries hurt from hiking to get help. After going to Springs 5 days that week, I was ready for the retrieval. 

Jer and I were at Sonic and realized I had to take my HSG shot. Needles to say he had to give me Gonal F and HSG shots in the truck with my pants half way down in the Sonic drive up station. We also had to buy a little truck just so we get around. Try having your suppose give you shot in your but in a Ford Ranger. My butt isn't supper little. Someone must of called the cops because an officer parked in front of us and followed us out. Jer was freaking out a little. I told him don't worry we have a prescription.

The retrieval went well we got 16 eggs, 10 fertilized and 3 made it to day 5. We had six that arrested on day 5. I did end up with OHSS. That was the worst of the worst. I was expecting to go back to work two days after retrieval. Retrieval was Sunday I went to work on Wens, I blew up and my girly area was on fire. I had to hold myself to take some of the pressure off. I ended up taking the whole week off and had a Kidney infection the following Monday. It was all worth it because I had my little embryo's. My doc only does frozen transfers. My little babies were conceived on Easter Sunday and frozen April fools. How perfect is that, God is a great God! I told Jer this is the only time we can stick them in the freezer without it being child abuse.

The doctor had found polyps when I had my saline sonogram so we would of needed to have the surgery before a transfer can take place. I scheduled my surgery but the nurse thought it might not be a bad idea to do a hysterosonography. A fancy word to take a camera and shove it in your uterus and see if there is anything abnormal there. Thank goodness it came back NO polyps. The cycle before and after my retrieval were super bad with clots. So maybe that's when they went away. Idk and I don’t care. We get to do our transfer May 9th. The day after Mother’s day once again how perfect! 

I haven't said anything to anyone about the transfer I don't know if I want to. I am so scared of the unknown. When you go through this process you are not naive to what can happen. We have had 12 miscarriages,1 Ectopic, 11 IUI's,  2 saline sonograms, 3 HSG's , 1 lap for endometriosis, and another lap when a cyst ruptured and hemorrhaged I almost died. Like many others that have come before and continue to go through this it is not easy but it will be worth it in the end. 

Here are the things I have learned through this whole process:

Birth control with make you feel like shit
You will get massive migraines
Nothing goes as planned, 
Patience is demanded
Everyone will tell you it will happen it supposed to
There will be days you feel so low and have no hope and days you will have tons
Days were you ask yourself is this really worth it do I want a kid, can I really do this?
You will take a lot of days off of work and feel horrible that your not doing your job
Your twat will hurt and your hubs wont understand why you don't feel like having sex
You two will fight because you can't have sex doctors orders
Your so tired 
You will forget everything and anything
Your life is consumed by this whole process
Your willing to give yourself shots anywhere because you have to take them at the same time everyday
A heating pad and Vicodin are your bff's
Your afraid to try anything out of the normal because you feel you jinks this whole process
You will find a love for your husband that you never knew you had because of all the mood swings you put him through
You will gain weight and loose it

THIS IS ALL NORMAL! Be easy on yourself.

Then the best part so far is getting the embryologist report and seeing that we have 3 little perfect babies waiting for us. I pray this works if not I will be hurt but God's just has a different plan for us. Praying for a May 9th transfer and healthy Feb 2017 baby. Please keep us in your prayers.


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